Review: Giant The Vine – Music For Empty Places (Lizard Records, 2019) (Progressieve Rock)
20 Maggio 2019
BUBU  “El Eco del Sol”
6 Giugno 2019
CLAN ALDO PINELLI  “Patagonia”      (LIZARD CD 0147)
barcode: 8003102201476
Stavolta è una piccola orchestra ad attorniare il prolifico autore-musicista ALDO PINELLI da Buenos Aires (già leader degli Habitat).
Un progetto aperto (che ha trovato anche collaborazioni in Italia in occasione di alcuni concerti) denominato dunque CLAN ALDO PINELLI, una congregazione elettro-acustica di propensione ambient-folk-prog che trasforma mirabilmente in musica le incantevoli immagini della Patagonia, viste con gli occhi e le emozioni del musicista argentino.
Atmosfere bucoliche, sonorità pastorali, melodie luminose, ritualità ancestrali (in cui il flauto e soprattutto il violino hanno un ruolo da protagonista), come in un viaggio incantevole accompagnato da dieci brani strumentali, che sono valse l’attenzione di residenze artistiche in Nuova Zelanda, Svezia, Francia, in cui Aldo Pinelli è stato accolto come ospite speciale in qualità di pregevole autore.
L’incanto della Patagonia in dieci brani strumentali, ambient-folk-prog melodiosamente pastorale !!
ALDO PINELLI: chitarre, basso, tastiere, percussioni
ELIZABETH MINERVINI: tastiere, pianoforte

This time it is a small orchestra that surrounds the prolific author-musician ALDO PINELLI from Buenos Aires (former leader of the band Habitat).
An open project (which has also found collaborations in Italy for some concerts) called CLAN ALDO PINELLI, an electro-acoustic congregation with an ambient-folk-prog propensity that wonderfully transforms the enchanting images of Patagonia into music, seen through the eyes and the emotions of the Argentine musician.

Bucolic atmospheres, pastoral sounds, luminous melodies, ancestral rituals (in which the flute and above all the violin play a leading role), as in an enchanting journey accompanied by ten instrumental pieces, which have earned the attention of artistic residences in New Zealand , Sweden, France, where Aldo Pinelli was received as a special guest and fine author.

The enchanting Patagonia in ten instrumental tracks, melodiously pastoral ambient-folk-prog !!

“My inspiration for this album was the South of Argentina. The landscapes, the cold climate, the Nature keeping on working, my preocupation about the melting of glaziers, the pure aire, the clean water of the rivers and lakes…
I took that photos as inspiration and tryed to compose music as for a film.
The flute, mostly, let the place to the violin. I used keyboards sounds never used by me before.
The process was long in time but I am very pleasured with the final result. (Aldo Pinelli)